Jul 25, 2012

Circle, Circle....Dot Dot

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

I don't know about you, but lately I've been obsessing over everything and anything polka dot.  This classic staple is coming  on full force next season.  I'm thinking a little polka dot + stripes action is in order.


  1. Love those...dots yes yes :)) 3 and 7 for me please :)))) xx Ok, all of them really, can't resist dots :))

  2. Looove number 1 and 6! Dots are always so classic :)

  3. Oh my gosh, #3- that bathing suit... WOW! I want!

  4. I am also a huge polka-dot fan! Half of my pins are polka dots (okay, not half exactly, but a lot ;)!

  5. i love polka dots too! i just picked up the kate spade iphone case! ;)
    but seriously, #7 has me swooning! i WANT!!!


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