Sep 10, 2012

:: Transitioning ::

t-shirt : f21, similar | jeans: old navy, similar | vest : unknown, similar | necklace: egypt, similar | shoes: payless, similar | shades: vintage, similar | watch: michael kors | lipstick : sephora

Lately, I feel like my life has been full of changes.  A new job, new furniture, new season, and a pending new addition to our family.  It's definitely been keeping me on my toes trying to figure out how to adjust to these new pieces of my life.  But season changes are a little tricky to adjust to.  Hot and sunny one minute, cool breezes the next's mother natures own version of menopause.  And as much as I'd love to, it's not quite time to pull out my sweaters and coats.  So a little plum lipstick, a boho vest, and some ankle boots will have to do for now.


  1. Such fun sunnies!! Love them.

    I'm your newest follower. Hope you can check out my blog and follow back if you like it! I also have a giveaway going on :)

  2. Love that little crochet vest! So cute!! :)


  3. You look great! Love the vest and gold accessories

  4. I haven't been by your blog in some time and I missed you! Your blog and looks are always so fun. Congrats on the new changes in your life and new addition to the fam! Change is GOOD!


    Holly Foxen Wells

  5. Love how you accessorized a simple white t! :)

    <3 Jing


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