Oct 15, 2012

Leather, neon, and Arabs

top: jcrew | pants: topshop | shoes: zara | baubles: asos, apricot lane, michael kors, ysl

Alaa and I haven't had a real date night in a while, so this past weekend I took it upon myself to invite him out to dinner, coffee, and a movie.  I would like to add that I had every intention of whipping out my wallet to pay for all of these events....but I kinda- sorta forgot. 
 I remembered on the drive home.  

And that is reason #3478904 why I love my husband.

We ended up going here , and ohmygosh, it was so good!  I'm already dreaming of going back!  Alaa has been wanting to see Taken 2, so that's what we saw.  It was good, but I'm ready to see a movie where Muslims/Arabs aren't the villains.  It's stereotypical movies like that that make me want to stand up and say "I'm a Muslim/ Arab and I like butterflies!  And pink!  And hugs! - I'm not a bad person! I'm not what you see on TV!"

There are so many misconceptions about Arabs and/or Muslims and I really hope this blog dispels a lot of them.  I can't say that I represent 100% of our population, but I do think that I fit in with the vast majority - either living here or overseas.  I always find people to be hesitant to ask questions about Islam and/or the Arab culture for fear of sounding stereotypical or mean.  In all honesty, I would rather you ask me and get an honest answer , than just assume what you've read or heard is true.  
You can always e-mail me here if you have a question! 
 I'd love to hear it :-)

P.S. The tag of these pants blatantly say "keep away from fire". After noticing that, I was a little paranoid all night long.  
My thought all night long :
Must. Stay. Away. From. Flames!


  1. You're the hottest pregnant woman to exist. LOVE that outfit. The pink is the prettiest shade on you! Thanks for being so honest and willing to answer questions about your background! I never noticed movies doing that. I guess I try not to focus on the person's nationality and just who they are. :) You're the best!

  2. You look gorgeous! And I would enjoy learning about your culture too, anything really. I agree, many have misconceptions, if only they'd ask and listen, those would go away!! Have a wonderful week :) x

  3. I love this look on you! I am proud of you for standing up for your culture and nationality. Stereotypes can cause a lot of harm. I think you are wonderful and a great representation of your background!!

  4. Gorgeous look,love your shirt,nice blog

  5. Love your honesty in this post! I hate when I hear people saying negative and stereotypical comments about ANY culture and/or race. You look great in pink btw, and that necklace is gorgeous! :)


  6. Stereotyping is so awful, but unfortunately is happening daily. So proud of you for taking a stand! My mom, was always really good about teaching us to be non-judgemental. You seem so sweet & lovely!! I love that color on you and you are rocking those pants!!!
    xx, amy

  7. Amen sister! Thanks for standing up for us muslims/arabs. I am a Palestinian/American who also likes things like pink, fashion, design, food, fun, etc.... After all Islam means peace, why is that not talked about!

  8. love your top, by the way I'm late but Mabruuk on your upcoming baby girl. Insha Allah it will a safe and healthy delivery.

    On the matter of stereotypes about Arabs and Muslims, the biggest misconception is the assumption they are synonymous. Most Muslims around the world are not Arabs and close to 1/2 of the Arabs are Christians or others. Like any giving faith, there are no homogenous entity, rather we all are different in our diversity of thoughts, cultural and national identity whether from the East or the West. Anyway, I always believed stereotypes are the refuge of the fearful and ignorant and only education and travels can dispel all negative perceptions.

  9. it´s amazing the way you express here.

  10. Love the outfit. Very beautiful, pink and girly..


  11. You and I and MANY (if not most) other Arab and Arab-American and others all over the world stand with you in the fatigue from Arab/Muslim villains in movies and TV. Sometimes they're not even speaking Arabic, it's just gibberish, which is even more insulting (and occasionally funny, but I digress).

    You and I are the rule, not the exception. We're curious, strong, open-minded and experienced women -- not the sheltered, naive bunch we are often made out to be. And I'm proud of you for sharing your life with all of us, good and bad, normal and funny. It definitely is one small step in bringing the reality of our culture to those who may not understand it. I hope to achieve the same thing through Middle Eastern food.

    Anyway, love the outfit. Gorgeous as always.

  12. Thanks for your sweet comment....wanna follow each other?
    please follow with GFC, just leave me a comment and I'll follow u back!

  13. I love, love the neon pink top! I think it's awesome that you're open to peoples' questions about your faith. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower :)

    The Tiny Heart
    1000 Followers Giveaway Extravaganza!

  14. You look gorgeous! I love the pink top and the gold accessories. Haha, so funny about the tag! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to hear from you! XOXO