Nov 29, 2012

:: Girl Meets Boy ::

 sweater : f21  | shirt: zara | jeans: express | shoes: UO (old) | sunnies: vintage  | watch : michael kors | bows : f21 | ring : ysl

I know I say this all the time - but whoa, I didn't mean to be gone from blogging for that long!  Between work, home, and baking a baby I am pretty much exhausted.  The free time that I manage to squeeze out is usually spent catching up on errands or laying on the couch.  Anytime I sit down my back KILLS me.  Like excruciating pain folks.  I've heard of back pain during pregnancy - but not like this!  And I'm pretty sure my left rib cage is broken.  The right has yet to suffer (knock on wood), but I'm pretty much waiting for bruises to pop up on my left side.  

To my dear precious little daughter,

I already love you so much, but could you ease up on the pain a little bit?  

Thanks! Love you!

Oh, and I'm sure this kid is going to come out as a chocolate baby (kind of like the chocolate easter bunnies).  I've consumed wayyyy too much chocolate that her being anything  other than a chocolate figure is unlikely.

That is all.


  1. love the colour of the two blues you're wearing; especially the jumper -- gorgeous :) xx

  2. Very nice style and perfect color. Have a great day,

  3. Curls and bows. What more does a girl need?!

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment. Would you like to follow each other?

    love from South Africa

  4. Hey Nhua! I know what you mean about finding the time to blog. I've been working a whole lot and planning Christmas so it's super tough to stay updated. Plus I want to comment on my fave blogs (like yours) but only have the time to read and not comment. So, just know we still read your blogs and love your posts!

    Also wanted to point out I have a giveaway for Lipstick :) Good luck if you enter, girl and looking forward to seeing more fashion!
    Cathy Trails

    Revlon Just Bitten Giveaway


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to hear from you! XOXO