Dec 29, 2012

<< So long 2012 >>

shirt: jcrew | vest: old navy | jeans : guess | boots: steve madden | belt, glasses: f21 | purse : kate spade | watch : michael kors | ring: ysl | necklace : Swarovski 

Just popping in to say hello!  Can you believe we'll be in 2013 in just a few days?!  Insanity I tell you.  2012 was a great year, and I'm hoping that '13 will be just as good.  We've already got a lot of exciting things to look forward to - mainly welcoming our baby girl into this world.  

Today Alaa and I are going to celebrate our 4th anniversary ( it was on the 27th) by running around downtown taking pictures of ourselves and hopefully snagging a few things for the baby's room.  Speaking of the babe's room - it's finally coming along!  There's still so much to do, but I can finally breathe now knowing that at least she has a crib in there :-)

Oh, and keep your fingers crossed for me today.  The majority of my clothes don't fit so I'll be getting pret-ty creative with my outfit. 

Have a great weekend! xo


  1. Congratulations, you look beautiful with that gut
    kisses and happy new year

  2. congrats :) great outfit!

  3. I give your outfit a TEN! you look make pregnancy look really good.

    Happy New Year!


  4. Hello! Miss seeing you around here.

    Happy 2013, Happy baby and Happy Anniversary!

    I have been blessed to get to know you and read your lovely blog this year.


  5. Ah!! So exciting :) Happy New Year and blessings to you and your adorable family in 2013 :)

  6. i have that vest in green... but i should've got it in tan! :-/

    hope you guys had a wonderful christmas and new years! xoxo

  7. You are so cute preggers! Love the look! I found you through creative index while looking for a blog designer.

  8. nice outfit! loving the colours of your look!

  9. I love this outfit! the Old navy vest pairs so well with the salmon-y shirt :) Happy anniversary (I'm a bit late!) and I hope you had a lot of fun in town ;) x

  10. this is a SUPER stylish outfit being that most of your clothes don't fit!!! love it

    xo Jackie


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