Feb 4, 2013

February 4th, 2013

Today is the 4th - a.k.a "d-day".  No baby yet, but that's fine with me.  I'm letting Mother Nature work her magic and bring us a healthy baby whenever the time is right.  This is basically what I've been living in the past two weeks.  I've been sick fighting the flu- and then as soon as I got over that I got the cold.  Seriously, not even a full day of recovery!  You would think that at this point I'd be sick of being pregnant , but truthfully I'm sick of being sick!

Right now, I'm just going to enjoy all the peace and quiet that I can.  The baby's room is almost done - finally!  So that's definitely a huge relief.  I just need a few more things - ottoman, curtains, hanging the art, etc. before I can finally feel like it's complete.  It's nothing like the original mood board I posted about here, but it's growing on me.

Here's to a very wonderful February 4th!


  1. Hope the baby comes soon, you just relax and do what you need and the baby will come when your not expecting! All will be great :) x

  2. wow you look very nice

    pink is a fab colour for you



  3. You look so stinkin' cute! Get some sleep - you'll need it!!!

  4. You look so beautiful! I love your caftan!

    Please as a mommy of 3..enjoy your time even though you are not so well.

    Joy awaits!! Congratulations and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a smooth delivery!


  5. Well, regardless of being sick, you look BEAUTIFUL! You look amazing in fuschia! Xx

    Pink Carnations

  6. You look so beautiful! I hope you feel better and that you have a wonderful delivery when your baby is ready!! xo

  7. Cousin, I am so happy for you, and proud of you! Great mindset to let the babe arrive on her own time. I can't wait to hear all about it xxx

  8. N, you look absolutely gorgeous! I hope you feel better soon, and I can't wait "meet" your little one! I'm so excited for you guys and I'll be thinking and praying for you both! xoxo

  9. Beautiful picture! :-)

  10. sick or not, nuha, you look gorgeous. baby is on her way real soon. I'll definitely be thinking of you. xo

  11. You look gorgeous! Where is the kaftan from? It is just the thing for pregnant women! Can't wait to meet the baby :)

  12. I think I could live in that outfit for awhile!


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