Mar 8, 2013

Time Management

shirt : jcrew  | vest : old navy | denim: target | shoes: zara | purse : valentino | sunnies : f21

Before having a baby I was always on the go.  I always had a mile long mental to do list that I never got done.  A lot of it was things that didn't have to get done, just things I generally wanted to do.  Kind of like a bucket list of sorts- except I wanted to finish them before bedtime instead of before I died.  I like the extra time crunch.   So on my days off I'd plan on you know clean a little, cook dinner, bake something I've been dying to bake, blog a little, maybe venture out of the house and get some fresh air.  I just like to stay active and do stuff.  Now, with a newborn, I'm sitting around more than ever.  My to-do list is a faraway thought and basically I feel like I've won the lottery if the baby sleeps more than 3 hours.  I take my hats off to those of you who find the time to work and be mommy.  How do you do it?! I know it's too early to start a routine, but I'm craving some sort of stability where I can actually find a way to get things done.  I'd love to hear about your experiences!


  1. You look fabulous by the way.

    Please take your time, it all comes back around. Enjoy your baby and maybe read a book when you are not sleeping that you have meant to read. Write your thoughts, wishes and prayers in a journal while you rock her to sleep. I found that when I stopped "trying" to do it all and be mommy in these tender early months, it all worked out.

    I am still finding balance as a mom of 3(12, 10 and 7) add a hubby who travels, kids who are on team sports and music lessons...whew! I blinked my eye and my once first newborn is now almost 13!!!

    Hope this helps??

  2. First off, you look amazing. Second of all, don't put too much stress on yourself. Many days I wake up with plans to do things or go out, and many times it doesn't pan out. So, online shopping is fun too! Lol, all in all, you'll find a new balance and you'll appreciate the quiet, alone time when you can get it. -Zeena

  3. i agree with how amazing you look!! i was like you - always busy, independent, had a schedule - then i had a baby. whoa! was that overwhelming - suddenly, a infinite sense of responsibility overshadowed everything in my life (along with crazy love and devotion to my daughter) ...but it was easy to be a little freaked out about the magnitude of which my life would never, never be the same. take heart, those little babies really do grow faster than you think as a new mother. you'll have your independence back! they don't always need as much from you as they do now. just try to snuggle as much as you can and find some time for you when you can. this is just a new phase of normality and you'll find your happy medium. your sense of style is already there! cheers : )

  4. Yes, you look amazing. It does not seem like you just had a baby :)
    Will you be posting a pic of your little one on the blog? Iam curious :)

  5. Especially single moms who work!!! My friend Manda is one of those and I give her major credit.


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