Apr 26, 2013


When it comes to styling my hair I pretty much stick to the same routine.  It's almost always straight or maybe I'll add a few loose curls to it.  *waw*waw*waw* So boring.  With wedding season upon us I'd like to try out a few new hair styles.  It's a little bit harder now that I've chopped off nearly all of my hair.  But, who knows, maybe the shorter length will make it easier to deal with - not to mention, save me some time.  

Ballerina Bun (wish I knew the source of this / had a tutorial on how to do it!)

I'm sure you've seen some of her hairstyles on Pinterest, but Kate from The Small Things Blog has a ton of really helpful hair tutorials.  And as always, you can turn to YouTube for a never ending spiral of hair tutorials and inspiration.


  1. nice; DD

    i invite to me too


  2. Love the hair styles! They look beautiful.


  3. I am SO boring with my hair -- I wear it stick straight almost every single day. Loving some of these styles!
    xx lexi @ glitter, inc.


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