May 14, 2013

:: Daisy Buchanan ::


I've got all things Gatsby on my mind this week.  I had never read the book in high school (unbelievable, right?)  and so I was excited to see what all of the fuss was about.  Wow.  Such an amazing movie.  I loved all of the glitz and the glam and if I could go back I would totally base my wedding off of the movie (a la Emily Schuman).  Did any of you see The Great Gatsby this weekend?  Did you like it?  As much as I loved it , I'll admit  the ending made me sad.  Poor Leo.  Now, I'm itching to read the book!

 dress | shoes | hairband | fur stole (similar) | bracelet

P.S. The more I look at this blue dress the more I fall in love with it.  Simply gorgeous.  There's an ivory version too!

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