Jun 19, 2013

:: Arabian Nights ::


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With the majority of my friends overseas right now and Ramadan coming up sooner than I can wrap my head around I've got all things exotic Arabia on my mind.  Maybe it's because of my Middle Eastern background but I'm slightly obsessed with camels.  That camel picture must make its way to our home ASAP.  I wish I could blow it up and have it cover a whole wall but I'm pretty sure that this is one crazy thought Alaa will never go for.  Oh well, I'll just settle for a bunch of pretty, pretty exotic paraphernalia.  And I'm thinking that the camel sugar bowl can double as a flower vase.  See how I just justified it's purpose?  It's practically a two for one!


  1. Love most the camel stuff. I have a collection of camels. The blanket and sugar bowl oh and that vest got to have.

    Have a fun week

  2. love this post, there is just something about arabian inspired styles and stuff that makes me happy! kate spade did a camel inspired collection last june and it was so fun yet still fabulous, i'm glad to see the trend is still alive and well.

    Xo Courtney // ColorMeCourtney.com


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