Dec 23, 2010

I have a confession to make

I like birds.

Yes, it's true.  But let me clarify.  I love walking outside and hearing birds chirp but I do not like live birds in my home.  Wayyyyy too messy!!  I like bird decor.  Love it.

Here are some gorgeous and sweet little birdie decor


Vintage Crystal Perfume Bottle


Please excuse me while I swoon over the following items.


I've shown this one before, but it's just so sweet

VIA Kate Spade

Why hello there little birdie at the bottom of my plate :)
VIA Old Sweetwater Cottage

I don't know what I'd do with this, but I'll find a reason!! 

I know! PENCILS!!
VIA Old Sweetwater Cottage

VIA Bouf

I know this has nothing to do with birds, but I thought it was cute.  Yes, my mind dashes from thought to thought like that.  Yes, I'm only in my 20's.

{whoops! can't remember where I got this from.  If you  made it  kudos to you! Let me know and I'll gladly credit ya :) }


1 comment:

  1. im with you! im not a fan of real live birds but i love bird decor. and they are so perfect for spring - which is hard to believe is just around the corner.

    merry christmas, friend!


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