Aug 23, 2011

Lookbook: Clean & Colored

one of my favorite things about blogging is getting fashion inspiration from other bloggers.  within the past year of blogging, i've been more ambitious with the clothes i wear and how i style them.  i've always loved dressing up, but i never wanted the attention of being too fashionable (especially when it seems like all of your classmates are wearing their pajamas to class!!)  but then i decided that i shouldn't stunt my fashion experience or my wardrobe simply because other people may think that i was "too dressed up".  i absolutely loved walking into class everyday feeling polished and fresh.  it felt SO GOOD to hear nice compliments from my classmates and honestly it felt good knowing that i cared about how i looked.  

anyways, i figured it's been a while since i shared with you an outfit post.  i really would like to do more of these simply because they're fun and to give me the motivation to try out new looks. 

 but just out of curiosity how do you manage your outfit pictures?  do you take them yourself? with a tripod? or have someone take them for you?  do you prefer to take your pictures in the privacy of your own home or do you prefer a change of scenery?  do you take them everday and post them the very next day or post them sporadically?  i'd love to hear about tips you've learned along the way!!


  1. I really like what your wearing! You look great! I feel the same way about feeling to dresses up. There are many times I want to wear my favorite dress but everyone else might think it's too much. :/ Ehh we live only once, dress in whatever you like and feel good about it :)

    About the pictures, I don't do as many outfit posts as I would like to. But the ones I do are taken by my boyfriend and are often taken at home. But I would prefer If I would take them somewhere else with nicer scenery. I haven't been blogging for so long, so still have a lot to learn. :)

    Have a great day,

  2. Love this look! So much color! When I don't take my outfit pics with my cell phone I use a tripod, it's really easy to set up and it gets better quality pictures without having to have someone around!

  3. You are so pretty! Beautiful hair and skirt! :))

  4. Beautiful skirt! As for photos, my friend takes them for me. We usually shoot a couple looks at once, and always in one of the little local towns where we live because you have so many more options for interesting photos that way. Regarding your recent comment on my blog, I deliberately spend more on my accessories because I wear those every day over and over, whereas I might wear a skirt a few times a year.

  5. I agree! Have found so much fashion inspiration from the blogging world. Maxis are my fave thing to wear year round, and this color is fantastic! You are gorgeous in it!

  6. let's see, if i took outfit posts (and they would all end up being workout clothes!), i think i would feel too silly posing anywhere outside the home and in front of anyone! so i'm thinking tripod at home :)

    Sam @ fitness food & faith

  7. love the red skirt!

  8. Thanks for stopping by! Congrats on your graduation too :) I absolutely love this skirt - I tried on one that was super similar in Anthropologie yesterday but it was too big :(

  9. that shirt is so cool, I love it paired with the bright maxi!

    I take my pics with a tripod and self-timer. The self-timer burst that takes as many as possible in a row is the best; usually I only like a handful of photos out of a few dozen :)



Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to hear from you! XOXO

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