May 23, 2012

Cookbook: Triple Chocolate Scones

 I always like to keep home-made treats on hand, just in case a certain cup of coffee needs a mate or if a friend happens to drop by.  These scones were the perfect compliment to just about anything.  Not too sweet, yet quenches my sugar cravings.  I'm tucking this recipe in the "go-to" file.

Triple Chocolate Scones 
Preheat oven to 400
2 1/4 c. flour
1/2 c. cocoa powder
1/3 c. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp espresso powder ( I used instant coffee)
6 tbsp. cold butter, cut into chunks
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 c. buttermilk
3/4 cup chocolate chips

Whisk together buttermilk, eggs, and vanilla, set aside.   Combine all of your dry ingredients in the bowl of a food processor and mix. Drop in butter and pulse until crumbly.  While machine is pulsing, slowly pour in buttermilk mixture.  If the dough is too wet, add a little bit of flour (1 tbs. at a time), and if it's too dry, slowly add more buttermilk.

Turn mixture out onto floured surface and knead in chocolate chips.  Don't knead too much, you don't want to overwork or overheat the dough.

Roll dough out to desired thickness - remember they will puff up slightly in the oven.

An easy tip to cut  triangles :cut into squares, and cut each square into halves.  
Transfer to a parchment lined baking sheet, and bake for 12-15 minutes.  If you can't fit all of your triangles onto one baking sheet, pop them in the refrigerator to keep the butter cold.

After your scones have baked and cooled, drizzle with chocolate ganache.

I  decorated a few for a recent bridal shower gift.  I hope these help the new mama's cope with 3 a.m. wake up calls.


  1. I totally want one with my coffee right now!! ;)

  2. Oh my these look so delicious! I have been loving scones lately, I need to try these out!

  3. OMG. I am currently on a detox but I think I might have to make these ASAP when I'm done. These look absolutely amazing & I seriously love scones!

  4. I LOVE the contrast of the pink frosting on the chocolate! So pretty.

  5. YUM. I typically like my chocolate in moderation, but I could totally eat a bunch of these scones - they look delicious!


  6. Drooling on the keyboard...I NEED one of these right now with a good strong black coffee. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. OMG I need that like right now! It looks so delicious ): but I'm so bad at cooking. Anyway, just found your blog and loved it :) following you now dear

  8. Hi pretty girl,
    Thank you for your lovely comment :)
    Yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy scones! Thanks for sharing!
    Follow you right now, you have a great blog!
    Hope you can follow me bakc ;)


  9. Oh dear..I may have to make these and eat them all ;) xx

  10. want....

    These look amazing! makes me wish I was better at baking :(

  11. I've probably never seen anything that looked so delicious in my life. Thanks for sharing - can't wait to try them!

  12. gawd. so many versions of scones, and i've never seen this! Looks soo tasty!


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