Feb 4, 2015


*tap tap*

Anyone there?

I can't believe it's been over a year since I last blogged!  Something that was once so special to me feels so foreign now.  I've missed being part of the blogging community but I've definitely had my hands full.  When I last left the blogging world, we had welcomed our sweet baby girl Suzanne - who we affectionately call "ZuZu"- into the world.  At that time she was 10 months old and surprise - we found out we were expecting yet again!  We finally met Yousif this past October and we couldn't imagine life without our two babes by our side ( and on top of our sides, and in our things, and well - you get the picture).

So I knew that being a mother of two would have it's challenges, but the biggest challenge that I didn't anticipate was how much of me I would leave behind.  They're not kidding when they say parenting is a self-less job!  As a way to have something for "me" and to help keep my sanity(!) I launched my shoppe "Kontal-Kontil" on Etsy.  It's a fusion of out of the box baubles and whimsical pieces of art.  I hope you'll check it out!

Custom orders for art prints are available by request.  Please contact shoppekontalkontil@gmail.com for any questions.

Jan 29, 2014

The Freshman Class : AIISHA

Like most girls I love browsing magazines and pinterest looking at the latest collection that designers have released.  Call me crazy, but I like to challenge myself to guess the designer before looking to see who it is.  Does anyone else do that?  A lot of designers have a certain vibe or characteristic that makes their clothes unique and personal.  I love it when I'm thrown for a loop though!  It's fun to see designers switch it up and go for a different vibe than they usually go for.  Am I making sense any more?  ha!

Anyways,  as much as I love going through experienced and established designers I LOVE discovering new up-and-coming designers.  I think they're so refreshing and are willing to take risks.  I like that!   I'm going to start a new series called " The Freshman Class" that will show case new (or new to me) designers. I've already shared a few of my favorites with you :  Noon by Noor, Rami Al-Ali, and Zayan the Label amongst a few others.  Now, let's add AIISHA to that list.

Going through AIISHA's previous collections I noticed a good balance of very intricately beaded designs mixed with a lot dresses that were simpler with a classic cut, but definitely not boring.  Either way, you could tell there was a ton of attention to detail.

via AIISHA facebook page


via AIISHA facebook page

I wish I could find a good picture of Kristin Chenoweth in that blue dress.  It has a row of buttons down the back that gives it enough detail yet keeps the classic vibe going.  Ugh, so pretty.  Here's a peak of Keri Hilson wearing a black version.

AIISHA is scheduled to showcase at NYFW in a few weeks under the Dubai Design block.  I cannot wait to see what she's got up her sleeve.  Definitely a designer to look out for!

Jan 28, 2014

:: Weekend Wear ::

 sweater : zara | pants : topshop (old)  | shoes: zara | sunnies : fossil | watch : michael kors | ring : ysl

Guys, I love me some oversized sweaters.  They're just so comfortable and cozy!  I spotted this on the Zara website during their sale a few weeks ago and now I'm wishing I snatched up the black one too. Oh, and these shoes?  I die over the cut and color.  So fun!  I've just got a short post for today.  Hope you all have a great Tuesday! xo!

Jan 21, 2014

:: Playdates ::

shirt: jcrew | jacket : asos | pants : old navy |  shoes : old navy | scarf : palestine

Almost two years ago, I took a position as a RN at the local children's hospital.  During my pre-employment physical, the nurse was collecting information about my vaccinations and asked if I was pregnant or could be pregnant (for booster shot reasons).  I remember my exact response was "There's always a possibility."  Truthfully, after a fruitless year of trying to conceive a baby my answer was pretty emotionless.  I went home and figured I should take a pregnancy test just incase I needed to get any booster shots.  I almost didn't because I knew that all I would see was that one line taunting me -  "not pregnant. " 

But this time was different.  I felt different.  So take a pregnancy test I did and guess what- it was positive.   I was shocked and so so excited.

But then I remembered that I had just accepted a job.

Shit.  I was going to get fired before I even began.

Fast forward to a few weeks later, I decided to keep the pregnancy a secret for normal "wait it out" reasons and because I was so worried my boss would hate me.  One day at work, I was commenting that I didn't have much of an appetite and just didn't feel good.  A few minutes later I got a text from one of my sweet coworkers saying.  

G: "Hey, do you think you could be pregnant?"

Oh crap, she knows.

Since this girl was one of my preceptors and we had previously talked about our family and kids  (and since I was dying to tell someone)  I confessed.  Funny thing is, my confession wasn't the surprise.  Her response was.

G: " I'm pregnant too!!"

N: "What?!?!  How many weeks are you?!  When are you due?! adjksfjka;ida!!"

G:  "  I'm about 6 weeks and I'm due in February!"

N: "WHAT?!  I'M 6 weeks too!!!"

Basically, after that conversation Gena and I were bound together for life.  Our first pregnancies - both girls.  When I remember being pregnant with Suzanne and thinking about her first year, Gena and her sweet baby Lucca are always there sharing our memories with us.  Lucca was born 8 days after Suzanne.  There's something so special about knowing someone from the moment they were born.  We are so grateful to have them and I am so happy that Suzanne was gifted an instant best friend.  I should probably apologize to Lucca for all of the times Suzanne's excitement scared her.  She get's her "overly-excited about everything" quality from me.  Sorry L. ;-)

Anyways,  yesterday's gorgeous weather was the perfect excuse to hang out with Gena and Lucca.  The only downfall was that everyone else and their extended family thought that being outside on a holiday was a good idea too.  Either way, we always love our play dates with our favorite Italian girls.    Gena is a girl after my own heart and I feel so lucky to have her with me on this crazy ride called motherhood.  Who would have imagined how nice it is to always have someone to talk to about nursing bra's, teething babies, and all things mommy.  I'm counting my lucky stars.

Jan 8, 2014

:: Plaid + Sequins ::

Shirt : American Eagle (old) |  Skirt : NY + Co {old} | Jacket : ASOS | Shoes: Old Navy | Tights : Target | Necklace: Banana Republic

A short and sweet post today.  Here's what I wore to our 5 year anniversary date.  Something fun and sparkly to celebrate!

Hope you're having a great week so far! xo

Jan 6, 2014

:: Chocolate Chip + Coconut Greek Yogurt with Slivered Almonds ::

A while back I was in the grocery store and spotted a certain mix of Chobani that had all of my favorite vices : dark chocolate, coconut, and almonds.  I threw it in my cart and pretty much devoured it the next day.  It was GOOD...and it was healthy!  That's a match made in heaven in my book.  So instead of heading to the store each and every single time I wanted some, I figured I would re-create it at home.  The best part is, I already have all of these things on hand in my kitchen and it's super quick and easy to put together.

Chocolate Chip + Coconut Greek Yogurt with Slivered Almonds:
-Vanilla Greek Yogurt  (or regular Vanilla Yogurt)
-Shredded Coconut Flakes
-Mini Dark Chocolate Chips
-Slivered Almonds

Spoon desired amount of yogurt into bowl and top with coconut flakes, chocolate chips, and slivered almonds.  Note that I didn't add measurements...I usually am pretty liberal with the coconut and almonds and just add a pinch of the chocolate chips.  There's no way to mess this up, so put as much as you please!  I love that it satisfies my sweet tooth for both breakfast and dessert.  Feel free to pin this onto your "healthy eating" board with the caption #winning!

Jan 1, 2014

<< Let's get organized, organized >>

Let's be honest, we're all suckers for pretty packaging, so why not use it as an incentive to get sh*t done?  Whether you're working in a cubicle, at home, or have a NYC view from your office window these office supplies are definitely going to make you more eager to get to work.    Here is to a beautiful and productive 2014!