May 21, 2012

Guest Post: Bijou & Boheme

Morning loves!  Hope you had a fabulous weekend.  Let's start the week off right with one of my favorite bloggers, Christine, from Bijou and Boheme.  With her love of all things pretty, Christine is definitely my kindred spirit.  Funny enough, we share the same birthday too!  In case you've never stopped by B&B (where have you been?!) let me sum it up for you : sheer gorgeousness, with pink and gold trimmings, and just about the most gorgeous house you've ever seen.  Did I mention that she's a red head?  That's it, I die.

Here's a snippet into what goes on in her day, behind the blog.

A huge thanks to Christine for stopping by!  Be sure to say hello to her here.

p.s. don't forget to sign up for the gift card giveaway!


  1. I have a serious girl crush on Christine...I'm pretty sure I stalk her religiously and I'm ridiculously fond of anything that she says/does. (c:

  2. Oh this is such a fun series. Christine is a gem:) Very fun reading more about her!


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to hear from you! XOXO