Jul 16, 2012

:: girly grunge ::

shirt : target (kids!)   |  pants:  old navy  |  shoes + bracelets: f21  |  necklace: diy  | ring: ysl  | purse furla

Where should I begin?  Should I even apologize for my consistent lack of blogging?  Sorry guys!  I recently started a new job - which I adore! - but I'm still adjusting to the hours.  So basically, when I get home I am ex-hausted and all I want to do is plop myself on the couch  :-)  Plus, the weather has been crazy lately.  Either it's insanely hot or it's pouring down rain - neither of which are fun to take pictures in.  But those are all excuses, and I'm hoping to be back into the swing of things asap!  

On a completely un-related note....

How cute is this shirt?!  I was mosey-ing around Target the other day and kept finding the cutest things.  I love it when that happens!  I was walking by the kids section - minding my own business and there it was - glitter..and a t-shirt.  I knew I had to have it!  A few years ago, I used to shop in the kids section all the time - bathing suits, shirts, you name it.  Seriously, sometimes their kids section is wayy better than the adults, plus it's always fun when things are cheaper! 

So tell me what have you been up to?  What have I missed?!


  1. I really love this look. Those shoes look very cute with boyfriend jeans

  2. Love your top with the sequins!!

  3. Love the outfit! And thank you for stopping by, which led me to your blog, which im loving by the minute!

  4. Love me some BF jeans!! You look super cute! xoxo

  5. Starting a new job can be so tough when you have to get used to a new schedule. Glad to hear your loving it. And love this outfit you've put together. That shirt is just adorable! :) xoxo

  6. Beautiful. Love love that shirt!

  7. Target Kids?!?! Too cool! I absolutely love this top! I would totally be jealous if I saw a 10-year-old running around wearing it.

  8. Hello! Great blog! The last post is very interesting and beautiful! Let's follow each other, if you agree, then let me know!)))

  9. Nuha!! I missed you! Congrats on the new job. Are you ever going to come to this side of the world? x

  10. congrats on the new job!!! very happy for you! :)

  11. I love that top! So cute!

    (Check out the giveaway I'm hosting!!!)

  12. congrats on the job! Love the jeans you have on - you look great!

  13. Great outfit! I love the sequins on your top! I'm your newest follower :) If you get a sec, I would love to hear your thoughts on my latest post. And I would love for you to follow my blog too! xo



Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to hear from you! XOXO