Oct 2, 2012

<< The nursery files >>

I've pretty much got a good idea of what I want the nursery to look like.  Something feminine, but not too pink..whimsical, but not too childish..and something that she can grow in.  Plus, I want to enjoy it, since I'm sure I'll be spending a good deal of time there. So while I keep the exact idea under wraps, I think this collage gives you a good idea of where I'm headed.  We're planning on using our current guest bedroom as the nursery, which means that Alaa has to turn one of our attics into the new guest bedroom.  Two rooms to complete in less than six months! Yikes!  I'm hoping to have both rooms completed by the time our little girl gets here.  I want to enjoy our first moments as a trio without Alaa hammering away upstairs.  I can't wait to get to work!!

But, I'd love to know what you're nursery essentials are (furniture wise).  Do you think gliders/ rocking chairs are a must?  They're pretty pricey - and it's hard to find cute ones!


  1. I like this idea, light pink is lovely. I also had a light greeny-blue for one of my daughters and used light ink things in the room and it was nice too :) I had a crib, changing table and a place for the baby clothes. A changing table is good as you can keep all the diaper items together :) A rocking chair is nice but you don't have to get one. I just rocked my baby in my arms instead. It'll be fun and you'll enjoy the time :) x

  2. Great inspiration ! love the idea !

    P.S Would you like to follow each other ? I am already following you via GFC and would be happy if your drop by my blog

    XX Luba
    Well Living BLog :. this week see my working looks

  3. SO much gorgeous inspiration. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

    The Glossy Life

  4. Love the inspiration here - I loved having a glider in the nursery - so easy and works like a charm! Happily following your blog ~

  5. Eeeek! You are pregnant! :) I'm so excited for you! February is a good month, my daughter's birthday is Feb. 15th


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