Oct 17, 2012

:: Dark hot chocolate ::

Once upon a time, I used not find dark chocolate to be incredibly bitter and practically inedible.  Now, dark chocolate is about the only chocolate (in candy form) that I can stand.  Milk chocolate is way too light and dare I say *cheap tasting*.  I've gotten so used to the density of dark chocolate, that anything less seems like a poser.  So when I had a craving for hot chocolate, all I could think about was a dense dark chocolate version.  There's really not much measuring here, because the density of the chocolate is up to you, but I just grabbed a handful of dark baking chocolate that I had on hand and stirred it into a cup of hot milk.  Et voila.  Dessert is served.  Or would this be considered a mid-morning pick-me-up since I had it at noon?

And to pretty it up a bit, I froze some marshmallow fluff (the already melted marshmallow in a jar).  I just spooned a layer on to a baking sheet lined with wax paper and popped it into the freezer to set.  When you're ready to use, grab a cookie cutter of your choice and wiggle out a piece.  

*Note:  The marshmallow fluff never really hardens, so you may have to reshape your cut out a little bit. You could always use whip cream to get the same effect.*

P.S.  Have you ever tried the white hot chocolate at Starbucks?  Oh Em Gee.  It's so yummy!  Definitely one of my favorite drinks.


  1. Since last winter, I've started making my own homemade hot chocolate and I will NEVER go back to the powdered version. Homemade seems so much more special/indulgent. Love the heart marshmallow!

    The Glossy Life

  2. i love hot chocolate, especially in winter :) but white hot chocolate is still teh best :)


  3. Makes me want a cup! Love the little heart :)



  4. it´s a perfect and smart combination of style and very goo taste.

  5. Okay that is the best idea with the frozen marshmallow creme & the cookie cutter!!! I am a lover of anything chocolate, so I am making this tomorrow morning for sure.
    xx, amy


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