Nov 30, 2012

:: Fudge Bars ::

Adapted from The Afternoon Tea Collection " Rich Hazelnut Slice"

1/2 pack  oreos
5 oz. unsalted butter, melted
14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
12 oz. milk chocolate
10 oz. dark chocolate
1 oz. unsalted butter, melted
1 oz. white chocolate, melted, for drizzling
chocolate chips, optional

-Line an 8x12 inch baking pan with parchment paper, allowing excess to fall over the sides.
- Crush oreos to make crumbs.  Mix with 5 oz. melted butter.  Flatten cookie mixture into bottom of baking pan.
- Using a double boiler melt milk chocolate and condensed milk.  Spread mixture over cookie misture.
- Again, use the double boiler to melt the dark chocolate and 1 oz. butter.  Spread on top of milk chocolate mixture.  
-Melt white chocolate and drizzle on top of dark chocolate mixture.  Sprinkle chocolate chips on top of completed layers.

Let sit at room temperature until firm.  You can refrigerate the pan to speed up the process, just remember to pull it out and let it sit at room temperature about 30 minutes before you cut it.


  1. tasty :-))

    new post \!!

  2. Nuha! This looks insanely delicious! Now I'm hungry! ahh!

    Hooray it’s Friday!!!! Have an amazing weekend!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  3. Looks great Nuha.. nothing like chocolate when your pregnant or any other time for that matter. ;)

  4. Wow, these look soooo delicious!

    Hope you've had a great weekend!

    Seventeenth & Irving

  5. Sound the best fudge Nuha thanks for sharing this recipe. I wanna taste it!
    ~ Herman Swan

  6. you had me at oreos... those look heavenly!


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