Jan 23, 2013

Investment Pieces

Last year I decided to stop spending money on pieces of clothing that wouldn't last me for very long or that were too trendy.  I want to build and invest in my closet versus feeling like I always need a piece.  I think that having the essentials - the perfect fitting dress, classic pumps, a classic top, etc. - will make getting dressed a million times easier.  

I've rounded up a few "splurges" that I would love to  invest in.  Sure, they're all over the top and crazy expensive- but a girl can dream right?

So incase anyone wants to band together and buy me any of these pretties I will love you to the moon and back.  Oh, and I'm curious- what's on your "investment" list?


  1. Great picks! I've been thinking of doing the same thing!


  2. I am doing the same thing for a while and it really is a damn good idea ;)

    My investment pieces would be classic flat Ferragamos, Chanel bag, Jaeger LeCoultre watch (which I will buy myself on my 30th birthay), a nice pair of Louboutins and of course a Burberry Coat.


  3. you know I like the idea of spending money on pieces that are expensive and will last, but I am so not disciplined
    I want them all and the purse will not stretch that far...lol

  4. My thought exactly. I'm stuck on finding the perfect white button up right now.


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to hear from you! XOXO