May 1, 2013

All over overalls

Is this it?  Could it possibly be true?  IS THIS REAL LIFE?! 

Why yes,yes it is real life - and word on the street is that overalls are back.  Big time.

And my third-grade self couldn't be any happier.

I know, I know that last red one is ridiculous BUT,  (and this is a big but) I think if it were styled the right way you could pull it off.  Like in a fashion week-I'd-never-wear-this-in-real-life sort of way. 

I think the safest way to avoid looking like you're headed for the playground is to dress up your outfit with some sort of heel and/or a ton of baubles.  Also, a blazer couldn't hurt either...

So, are you ready for the return of denim onesies or is this a trend you'd rather not re-live?



  1. OMG!! I don't know if I can get on board with this one! haha... I used to rock a pair way back in the day, but I won't be buying a pair anytime soon!

  2. I def wish I didn't throw out any of old overalls! I can't wait to find the perfect new pair to partake in this trend!


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