Dec 6, 2013

Sunday Brunch

jacket : asos | shhirt : zara (old) | pants: old navy | shoes: elie tahari | watch : michael kors | necklace: ebay | sunnies : prada

The past few weeks Alaa, Zuzu, and I have made a little tradition out of going out for Sunday brunch.  Breakfast is by far my favorite meal, so I always look forward to sharing it with Alaa and the baby on the weekends.  We're trying to branch out more and dine at restaurants that we've never been to - mainly local.  We have a bad habit of frequenting the same restaurants over and over!  Plus, I look forward to dressing up for our brunch.  I wear scrubs to work and my days off are usually spent running around trying to get errands done with baby in tow - meaning flats are my go-to option.  Is it sad that I get excited for any chance to wear my heels? ha!  Helllooooo Motherhood.  You never cease to amaze me.

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