Jan 6, 2014

:: Chocolate Chip + Coconut Greek Yogurt with Slivered Almonds ::

A while back I was in the grocery store and spotted a certain mix of Chobani that had all of my favorite vices : dark chocolate, coconut, and almonds.  I threw it in my cart and pretty much devoured it the next day.  It was GOOD...and it was healthy!  That's a match made in heaven in my book.  So instead of heading to the store each and every single time I wanted some, I figured I would re-create it at home.  The best part is, I already have all of these things on hand in my kitchen and it's super quick and easy to put together.

Chocolate Chip + Coconut Greek Yogurt with Slivered Almonds:
-Vanilla Greek Yogurt  (or regular Vanilla Yogurt)
-Shredded Coconut Flakes
-Mini Dark Chocolate Chips
-Slivered Almonds

Spoon desired amount of yogurt into bowl and top with coconut flakes, chocolate chips, and slivered almonds.  Note that I didn't add measurements...I usually am pretty liberal with the coconut and almonds and just add a pinch of the chocolate chips.  There's no way to mess this up, so put as much as you please!  I love that it satisfies my sweet tooth for both breakfast and dessert.  Feel free to pin this onto your "healthy eating" board with the caption #winning!


  1. this looks like such a delicious treat! Definitely looking for that Chobani to try (I'm not a good cook!)

    The Style Scribe

  2. I love Chobani. That mix sounds great, I also like Chobani plain non fat with 2 pkts Truvia tons of cinnamon or a bit of cardamom and coconut. :)



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