Jan 29, 2014

The Freshman Class : AIISHA

Like most girls I love browsing magazines and pinterest looking at the latest collection that designers have released.  Call me crazy, but I like to challenge myself to guess the designer before looking to see who it is.  Does anyone else do that?  A lot of designers have a certain vibe or characteristic that makes their clothes unique and personal.  I love it when I'm thrown for a loop though!  It's fun to see designers switch it up and go for a different vibe than they usually go for.  Am I making sense any more?  ha!

Anyways,  as much as I love going through experienced and established designers I LOVE discovering new up-and-coming designers.  I think they're so refreshing and are willing to take risks.  I like that!   I'm going to start a new series called " The Freshman Class" that will show case new (or new to me) designers. I've already shared a few of my favorites with you :  Noon by Noor, Rami Al-Ali, and Zayan the Label amongst a few others.  Now, let's add AIISHA to that list.

Going through AIISHA's previous collections I noticed a good balance of very intricately beaded designs mixed with a lot dresses that were simpler with a classic cut, but definitely not boring.  Either way, you could tell there was a ton of attention to detail.

via AIISHA facebook page


via AIISHA facebook page

I wish I could find a good picture of Kristin Chenoweth in that blue dress.  It has a row of buttons down the back that gives it enough detail yet keeps the classic vibe going.  Ugh, so pretty.  Here's a peak of Keri Hilson wearing a black version.

AIISHA is scheduled to showcase at NYFW in a few weeks under the Dubai Design block.  I cannot wait to see what she's got up her sleeve.  Definitely a designer to look out for!


  1. yes I def try to do that, i feel like there are some designers that are really recognizable but others that throw me. Keeps it fun!

    love from San Francisco, Britt+Whit

  2. I TOTALLY do that too! My boss asked me one day about some gowns and I rattled off names of designer houses, lol!


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