Feb 4, 2015


*tap tap*

Anyone there?

I can't believe it's been over a year since I last blogged!  Something that was once so special to me feels so foreign now.  I've missed being part of the blogging community but I've definitely had my hands full.  When I last left the blogging world, we had welcomed our sweet baby girl Suzanne - who we affectionately call "ZuZu"- into the world.  At that time she was 10 months old and surprise - we found out we were expecting yet again!  We finally met Yousif this past October and we couldn't imagine life without our two babes by our side ( and on top of our sides, and in our things, and well - you get the picture).

So I knew that being a mother of two would have it's challenges, but the biggest challenge that I didn't anticipate was how much of me I would leave behind.  They're not kidding when they say parenting is a self-less job!  As a way to have something for "me" and to help keep my sanity(!) I launched my shoppe "Kontal-Kontil" on Etsy.  It's a fusion of out of the box baubles and whimsical pieces of art.  I hope you'll check it out!

Custom orders for art prints are available by request.  Please contact shoppekontalkontil@gmail.com for any questions.


  1. nice look ;-))

    new post


  2. aw, it's so good to hear from you!! and glad everything is well with you and your beautiful babies! going to check out your shop. :)


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to hear from you! XOXO