Jan 4, 2013

Giveaway : Brittany Fuson Art

What better way to end off the first week of the new year than to host a giveaway?  Remember when I posted about a few of my favorite pieces of art that I'd love to hang in the baby's nursery?  Well I went ahead and scooped up Brittany Fuson's "Girlfriends" print and it gets me excited every time I look at it.  All of her prints are amazing, so naturally I had the hardest time picking one out.  But, I like the idea of "Girlfriends" since hopefully it'll instill some sort of girl power/ camaraderie in the baby :-)
I can't wait to frame and matte this baby!
So now it's your turn to pick out a print of your choice!  Here are a few of my favorites:

Ballet Pink

Noir- Horizontal
Pink Bow


Sue- horizontal

To enter:

1.) Go to Brittany Fuson Paper and come back leaving a comment saying which print you'd like to win.
2.) Pin one of the above photos with the title #giveaway

For extra entries (leave a separate comment for each) :

1.) Tweet the giveaway
 {enter to win your favorite Brittany Fuson illustration @nuhasofiyan and @BrittanyFuson  http://nuhasofiyan.blogspot.com/2013/01/giveaway-brittany-fuson-art.html}
2.) Follow me on Twitter {@nuhasofiyan }
3.) Follow Brittany on Twitter {@BrittanyFuson }

4.) Like the Brittany Fuson Facebook Page


  1. Happy New Year!! Hope you had a great one!!

    I love the Jil print, as orange is one of my fave colors!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  2. really awesome illustrations.

    thanks for visiting my blog, I use a olympus OMD and it was the kit lens I used with the camera.

    hope you had a great new year!



  3. LOve this illustrations! The colored legs are amazing!


    Julia from aboyeur.blogspot.com

  4. They are stunning love them
    Wanna follow on instagram andGFC?

    Elegantesque Blog

  5. I love them all! They're so beautiful!
    My favorite is Baby..

    I just discovered your blog, and love it so much!
    I'm following you on GFC!
    Xx el33ta

  6. OMG these drawings are so beautiful! xx

    - Victoria

  7. kewl illustration, the first one reminds me of Sex and the City ladies, albeit younger/hipper version. I love the Pink Bow and Ballet Pink as well, I guess pink is growing on me.

  8. Noir (horizontal) but I feel like Kathleen describes me style wise!



Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to hear from you! XOXO