Feb 19, 2013

Guest Post : Natalie Merrillyn

Today I've got one of my favorite bloggers filling in for me while I spend time with my sweet little one.  You probably already know the gorgeous Natalie of the blog Natalie Merrillyn so no introductions needed.  I'm always inspired by Natalie's cool sense of style and decor and I can't wait to hear all about her upcoming London adventures!  Sweet, gorgeous, and stylish?  Definitely girl crush material!


Hello Habibi readers! I'm Natalie from Natalie Merrillyn and I'm thrilled to be filling in for Nuha today! Since Nuha is a new mama, I wanted to post a little stylish mom inspiration {though I'm sure Nuha won't need any help on the stylish front -- I have no doubt she will be one of the most stylish moms out there!} I love these pictures for fashion inspiration -- easy pieces that are easy to get around in are a must. 

Congratulations on your precious little one, Nuha! 

images 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


See, didn't I tell you she's awesome?  Definitely a girl after my own heart!


  1. cute pics; )))

    new post

  2. Love that jacket! Heading over to check out her blog now:)



  3. Just stopping by to let you know I awarded you the liebster blog award. http://www.theginghamginger.com/2013/02/liebster-blog-award.html

  4. Proof that you don't need frumpy sweats to move and be comfy! :-)

  5. love these pieces... and congrats on your little one! xo


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to hear from you! XOXO