Feb 25, 2013

:: Macklemore ::

Blazer: H&M  |  Jumpsuit :  Bar III  |  Shoes : F21 | Scarf: old, unknown  |  Turban : old, my moms | Purse : Valentino | Fur Trench : Vintage

Last week Alaa and I were able to get away for a few hours while my mom watched the baby.  It was such a strange feeling not having her with us!  But I'm so thankful to have my mom around to help out with the baby.  It's a huge relief for my sanity!  She's only two weeks old, but I can already tell that the kid's got spunk.  Feisty little one she is!

And I couldn't imagine her any other way.

Oh, and remember how I've been hunting for a white fur trench?  Well, that hunt still continues, but I did find this maroon one.  It's a bit big so I'm considering having it taken in.  I kinda feel like Macklemore in it!  But oh boyyyyy does it keep me nice and warm.  


  1. Lovely!

    Congrats and welcome back. I am glad that you were able to get away with your honey, please continue as you can. Have fun!

    Blessings to you and your family.

  2. Love this look- so very chic. Just lovely! Congrats to you on your new little one!


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